Thursday, February 11, 2010

Revision Breast Augmentation Surgery for Saline Implant Deflation

Breast implants are medical devices and over time, like all medical devices, are subject to fatigue. Over time, the development of a capsular contracture around a breast implant can cause folds in the shell of a saline implant. Repeated creasing in the fold of a saline implant can cause the shell to fatigue and allow the saline to leak.

The leak of saline into the body is not harmful to the patient, but is nonetheless, psycholocially distressing. These patients have been coming to our office with an increasing frequency and request the removal of their saline implants for silicone implants. Often patients who have a deflation of their saline implants have had their devices for over 8-10 years.

These patients who have undergone removal and replacement of their saline implants for silicone gel implants are starting to tell their friends how happy they are with the improvement in the shape and feel of their breasts. As a result, I am seeing an increase in the number of patients who present to the office requesting their saline implants to be exchanged for silicone implants.

Brian P. Dickinson, M.D.