Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Microsurgery Notes

Recipient Vessels Veins:

1. Internal Mammary-3rd rib.
2. Internal Mammary – 2nd rib
3. External Jugular
4. Brachiocephalic
5. Thoracodorsal*

Diameters of Deep Inferior Epigastric Vessels- 2.5 mm
Pedicle Length- 5 cm

Coupler: Mobile to non-mobile (or)
Coupler: Diameter to be shortened 1st to match size discrepancy.

Perforator Flap (Venous Flow). Perforator Decision Tree

Palpable Pulse, No Venous Signal: +++
Arterial Signal, Venous Signal: +
No Arterial Signal, Venous Signal: ---

Harvest of DIEP Flap:


Anastamosis Clamps Off:

Venous Anastamosis
Arterial Anastamosis

Fill Test, Reflow Test

Doppler-Venous Augmentation Test